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While Susan was at home in September, the newspapers reported an attack by proslavery men on Osawatomie in which thirty out of fifty settlers were killed. Was Merritt among them? Finally letters came through from him. Susan read and reread them, assuring herself of his safety. Although ill at the time, he had been in the thick of the fight, but was unharmed.

Then Missy, feeling that financial responsibility must be recognized in a class president, began to put her case with a formal dignity that impressed every one but the conductor. "We're the Junior class of the Cherryvale High School we wish to go to Osawatomie. Couldn't we maybe ?" Formal dignity broke down, her voice stuck in her throat, but her eyes ought to have been enough.

During this period of civil war the members of the Brown family were not much in evidence. John Brown, Junior, captain of the Osawatomie Rifles, was a political prisoner at Topeka. Swift destruction of their property was visited upon all those members who were suspected of having a share in the Pottawatomie murders, and their houses were burned and their other property was seized.

The Southern avengers who swarmed across the Missouri border into the region of Osawatomie accepted Brown's standards of justice and mercy without question. A few men of education among them were the only restraining influence. Through these exciting days the old man would show himself at daylight in different places removed from his camp in the woods.

The Liberator's words of comment were brief but significant of the coming mob mind: "The particulars of a misguided, wild, and apparently insane, through disinterested and well-intended effort by insurrection, to emancipate the slaves in Virginia, under the leadership of Captain John, alias 'Osawatomie' Brown, may be found on our third page.

They united near Osawatomie to form the Osage River, the largest tributary to the Missouri below its mountain sources. Each river had its many tributaries winding gracefully along wood-fringed banks. Beyond these ribbons of beautiful foliage stretched the gorgeous carpet of the grass-matted, flower-strewn prairies.

I prefer to die just here." "I'll give you a short time to think it over and return for your final answer." Brown at once began to barricade the doors and windows. And Stuart reported to his commander. Lee met him at the gate. "Well?" "A little surprise for us, Colonel " "He refuses to surrender?" "Absolutely. Captain 'John Smith' turns out to be Old John Brown of Osawatomie, Kansas, sir."