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"We are just starting from here," Trudy reminded her as she watched the gray eyes flicker with humour or narrow with displeasure. "Wait and see we'll soon be living neighbour to the O'Valleys. Besides, there is such an advantage in being married. You don't have to worry for fear you'll be an " "Old maid," finished Mary. "Out with it! You can't frighten me.

Of course Steve says we feed our lap dogs when they whine but close the door on the baby when he tries it. So what can you do with such a person?" To which Trudy agreed. Trudy agreed to anything Beatrice might say until the bills for the villa were settled and the O'Valleys established in the gondola-endowed home.

So the owner of the O'Valley Leather Works found his solace in tucking the pound-and-a-half spaniel under his arm and trying to convince himself that he was all wrong and a self-made man must keep a watch on himself lest he become a boor! The day the O'Valleys left for New York in company with three other couples Mr. and Mrs.

At which Mary fled, with the general after impression of pale, wicked eyes and a checked suit and a dashing, red-haired young matron with a can opener always on hand, and the fact that the Vondeplosshes were going to lay siege to the O'Valleys as soon as possible. Mary decided that it was a great privilege to be a profane lady concealing a heartache compared to other alternatives.

As the door closed Trudy sank back in her chair, informing the imitation fireplace joyously: "It was almost too easy; I didn't have to work as hard as I really wanted to." Wearily she dragged off her tea gown for a bungalow apron and then prepared a supper of delicatessen baked beans and instantaneous pudding for her lord and master. The dinner with the O'Valleys was equally fruitful of results.