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The current account deficit at well over 4 percent of American GDP absorbs 6 percent of global gross savings and a whopping three quarters of the world's non-domestic savings flows.

No persistent form of ancestor-worship is primitive; and every established domestic cult has been developed out of some irregular and non-domestic family-cult, which, again, must have grown out of still more ancient funeral-rites. Our knowledge of ancestor-worship, as regards the early European civilizations, cannot be said to extend to the primitive form of the cult.

It has for its goal the supremacy of the noblest organ of the human being, his brain. For proper living there must be emotion there always will be but it must be tempered with intelligence if the best good of the individual and the race is to be reached. The type of woman we must now study is a very modern product, the non-domestic type.

They may decide that married home life is best, but the choice is not without difficulty and is accompanied by an irrepressible, though hidden dissatisfaction. On the whole, however, the domestic man finds the home a haven of relief and a source of pleasurable feeling. The non-domestic man may be of a dozen types.

Many a girl of this type really loves housekeeping, really loves children, and makes the ideal housewife. Intelligent, clear-eyed, she manages her home like a business. But if independent experience and a non-domestic nature happen to reside in the same woman, then the neurosis appears in full bloom.

The non-domestic women are, like their male prototypes, of many kinds, and it would be idle to enumerate them. There is the kind of woman that "has a career," using this term neither sarcastically nor flatteringly. The successful artist of whatever sort painter, musician, actress has usually been quite spoiled for domesticity by the reward of money and adulation given her.

When Miss Parker had ridden away with Pablo at her heels, Bill Conway unburdened himself of a slightly ribald little chanson entitled: "What Makes the Wild Cat Wild?" In the constant repetition of this query it appeared that the old Californian sought the answer to a riddle not even remotely connected with the mystifying savagery of non-domestic felines. Suddenly he slapped his thigh.

The Widow Korobotchka, Madame Manilov, domestic life, non-domestic life away with them all! How strangely are things compounded! In a trice may joy turn to sorrow, should one halt long enough over it: in a trice only God can say what ideas may strike one. You may fall even to thinking: "After all, did Madame Korobotchka stand so very low in the scale of human perfection?

Of course a woman should stick to her own natural emotional positivity. But then man must stick to his own positivity of being, of action, disinterested, non-domestic, male action, which is not devoted to the increase of the female.

Against the adulation given to women singers and actresses, against the fancied rewards of literature and business, the domestic lot seems drab to this non-domestic type. Here the question arises: Is there room in our society for matrimony and a business career?