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The spirit of blind conservatism, Nolumus leges Angliæ mutare, which in this sphere had reasserted itself after the vital movement of Reform and Puritanism, still persists. In questions of marriage and divorce English legislation and English public feeling are behind alike both the Latin land of France and the Puritanically moulded land of the United States.

But if they ask for leave to exercise power over a community of which they are only half members, a community the constitution of which is essentially dark-haired, let us answer them in the words of our wise ancestors, Nolumus leges Angliae mutari."

"This," thought they, "is the law of the land, 'quam nolumus mutari'; and it must be the King with and by the advice of his Parliament, that can authorize any part of his subjects to take the question of its repeal into consideration. Under other circumstances a King might bring the Bishops and the Heads of the Romish party together to plot against the law of the land.

And on this point too! Nolumus leges Angliæ He just stopped himself from the quotation. "What are Acts of Parliament for?" Mina demanded. "Absolutely out of the question," he laughed. "Even if everybody consented, absolutely." "And Harry Tristram wouldn't consent, you mean?" "Well, could any man?"

Jane, who was counted the most violent churchman in the whole Assembly. In a Latin speech to the bishop of London as president, he, in the name of the lower house, asserted that the liturgy of England needed no amendment, and concluded with the old declaration of the barons, "Nolumus leges Angliæ mutari. We will not suffer the laws of England to be changed."

As the Barons of England, once, with unanimous voice, exclaimed, "Nolumus leges Angliæ mutare!" so do all good Masons respond to every attempt at innovation, "We are unwilling to alter the customs of Freemasonry." In relation to the election of officers, a subordinate lodge is allowed to exercise no discretion.

The proposal was rejected in the famous formula, "Nolumus leges Angliæ mutare," a formula which merely stood for an unreasonable and inhumane obstinacy. The appearance of Luther and the Reformation involved the decay of the Canon law system so far as Europe as a whole was concerned.

The conservative party were of opinion that if you began by burying instead of eating your deceased wife, you might end by the atrocious practice of marrying your deceased wife's sister; and they opposed the revolutionary measure in that well known refrain: Of change like this we're naturally chary, Nolumus leges Fijiae mutari. That passage evidently gave the Progenitor deep pain.

The pious men who dwell in the sanctuary have at all times been proved to defraud their God by these little deceptions. This observation is not my own; it is, I believe, Renan's." The celebrant, standing on the epistle side of the altar, was reciting in a low voice: "Nolumus autem vos ignorare fratres de dormientibus, ut non contrisemimi, sicut et cæteri qui spem non habent."

Compton, when a few months before he exhibited himself in the somewhat unclerical character of a colonel of horse, had ordered the colours of his regiment to be embroidered with the well known words "Nolumus leges Angliae mutari"; and with these words Jane closed his peroration, Still the Low Churchmen did not relinquish all hope.