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Her eyes widened. She looked startled. Then she softened. "If ... you mean that ... I wish so too." "It looks like they've got us," he admitted unhappily. "If they can take our rockets away from us " Then his voice stopped. He said, "Hold everything!" and pressed the navigation-room button. He snapped: "Radar to navigation. It appears to take the Plumies several seconds to take over a rocket.

Guided by the emergency light, he scrambled to the bank of communicator-buttons. What had been the floor was now a side wall. He climbed it and thumbed the navigation-room switch. "Radar room reporting," he said curtly. "Power out, gravity off, no reports from outside from power failure. No great physical damage." He began to hear other voices.

There were soprano sounds, and he waved a hand for attention. Then he zestfully held up one diagram after another. Baird drew a deep breath. A very deep breath. He pressed the navigation-room call. The skipper looked dourly at him. "Well?" said the skipper forbiddingly. "Sir," said Baird, very quietly indeed, "the Plumies are talking by diagram over the communicator set we gave them.

But he saw the starkly impossible. He pressed the navigation-room button. "Radar room reporting," he said urgently. "The Plumie ship is fast to us, in contact with our hull! Both ships are spinning together!" He was trying yet other scanners as he spoke, and now he said: "Got it! There are no lines connecting us to the Plumie, but it looks ... yes!