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Why on earth didn't those fools wake me?" Mary held his driving-coat, fetched hat and gloves, while he flung the necessaries into his bag. "Have you much to do this morning? Oh, that post-mortem's at twelve, isn't it?" "Yes; and a consultation with Munce at eleven I'll just manage it and no more," muttered Mahony with an eye on his watch. "I can't let the mare take it easy this morning.

Munce about him one morning, without a word to him," was how she eased her mind and wound up her reverie. But daylight, and the most prosaic hours of the twenty-four, made the plan look absurd. Once alive though to his condition, she felt deeply sorry for him in his patent inability ever to be content. It was a thousand pities.

I've had these planted for three munce they're a nest I found long ago; I thought I would n't say anythink till we really wanted 'em." Just then one of the eggs fell out of the hat and went off "pop" on the floor. Dave nearly upset the table, he rose so suddenly; and covering his nose with one hand he made for the door; then he scowled back over his shoulder at Joe.

The May Day celebration was held on the south portico of the Capitol on the afternoon of May 1, after a morning devoted to selling from street booths copies of the Woman's Journal, suffrage flags, buttons and postcards. A band played and the decorations and banners in yellow and blue, the suffrage and Virginia colors, made a beautiful picture. John S. Munce of Richmond introduced the speakers, Dr.