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Et Franciscæ Uxoris ejus, filiæ Johannis Comitis Oxoniæ. Henricus Howardus Comes Northamptoniæ filius secundo genitus, hoc supremum pietatis in parentes monumentum posuit, A.D. 1614.

But the sentiment of these last words is substantially the same with the line of Horace: Exegi monumentum aere perennius. The whole peroration of this Biography is one of singular beauty and moral elevation.

In 1760 the third restoration was undertaken and the tomb assumed the form we now see and was given yet another inscription: Danti Aleghiero Poetae sui temporis primo Restitutori Politioris humanitatis Guido et Hostasius Polentiani clienti et hospiti peregre defuncto monumentum fecerunt Bernardus Bembus Praetor Venet. Ravenn. Pro meritis eius ornatu excoluit. Aloysius Valentius Gonzaga Card.

Paul's, saw it from end to end, and from top to bottom, stood in the crypt, where Sir Christopher Wren lies buried, Si monumentum requiris, circumspice mentally compared Wellington's burial-place here with that of Napoleon on the other side of the Channel, then went up to the top of the building and looked out to every side over London, which I was already so well acquainted with that I could find my way everywhere alone, take the right omnibuses, and the right trains by the underground, without once asking my way.

Unlike the proud boast of the Roman poet, if he spoke it in earnest, “Exegi monumentum ære perennius,” he did but indulge the hope that one, whose coming had been expected with pleasure, might excite regret when he had departed, and be rewarded by the sympathy and praise of his friends even in the presence of other minstrels.

Horace spoke out of the abundance of his heart, and tells you precisely what he is, as frankly as Montaigne. Trust him in such words; he absolutely means them; knows thoroughly that he cannot sail the Tyrrhene Sea, knows that he cannot float on the winds of Matinum, can only murmur in the sunny hollows of it among the heath. But note, secondly, his pride: "Exegi monumentum sere perennius."

Burke is no longer entitled to the praise the most consummate orator of modern times." "What can I say of what regards myself? To my humble name, Exegisti monumentum aere perennius." Many persons consider the Plymouth oration to be the finest of all Mr. Webster's efforts in this field.

As to the products of my labors, they are fully set forth in the catalogue; and of this adventure I can only say to the visitor to my museum in the words of the well-known inscription, 'Si monumentum requiris, Circumspice?" Such was Challoner's account of his acquisition of the specimens numbered 2, 3 and 4. It was certainly what one might have expected from his conduct.

D.O.M. Caroli incliti et fortissimi Burgundiæ ducis exercitus Muratum obsidiens, ab Helvetiis cæsus, hoc sui Monumentum reliquit, 1476.

LXXVIII. Hoc qualecunque Pietatis monumentum Praeceptori optimo, Desideratissimo, Wiccamici sui P.C. In the frankness of his disposition he appears to have resembled his brother, but with more liveliness and more love of general society. I have heard, that in the carelessness of colloquial freedom, he was apt to commit himself by hasty and undigested observations.