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Meanwhile William had moved his army again to Cambridge, and on to Willingham field, and there he began to throw up those "globos and montanas," of which Leofric's paraphraser talks, but of which now no trace remains. Then he began to rebuild his causeway, broader and stronger; and commanded all the fishermen of the Ouse to bring their boats to Cotinglade, and ferry over his materials.

"On the 18th of August, 1769, well I remember the day," Monsieur de St. Gre continued, "the Spanish troops landed late in the afternoon, twenty-six hundred strong, the artillery rumbling over the bridges, the horses wheeling and rearing. And they drew up as in line of battle in the Place d'Armes, dragoons, fusileros de montanas, light and heavy infantry. Where were our white cockades then?

Fresh he would arrive, and cleanly clad, from grand folk who were his friends as I was his friend, and again, weary and worn, he would creep up the brier-rose path from the Montanas or Mexico. And without a word, when his wanderlust gripped him, he was off and away into that great mysterious underworld he called "The Road."

As we reached the extreme eastern edge of the Ceja, we looked down on an interminable extent of forest, composed of trees of a height with which few in other parts of the world can vie. These wooded plains are called Montanas, which is the name given to the whole of the country eastward of the Andes. As we advanced, our ears were saluted by the cries of numerous birds and animals.

"On the 18th of August, 1769, well I remember the day," Monsieur de St. Gre continued, "the Spanish troops landed late in the afternoon, twenty-six hundred strong, the artillery rumbling over the bridges, the horses wheeling and rearing. And they drew up as in line of battle in the Place d'Armes, dragoons, fusileros de montanas, light and heavy infantry. Where were our white cockades then?

Luego, después que la innovación se ha admitido, se encuentra que parece lo más natural y lógico porque las cosas siguen su curso normal, las estrellas ruedan y brillan lo mismo que antes en el azul y las montañas altas no se vienen abajo.