United States or Jersey ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It’s an X,” Maida answered in great perplexity. “I don’t believe that there are any names beginning with X except Xenophon and Xerxes.” “Well, mine’s as bad,” Laura laughed, “it’s a Z. I guess I’ll be Mrs. Zero.” “That’s nothing,” Arthur laughed, “mine’s an &—I can’t marry anybody named ——‘and.’”

If the paring makes a letter, it will be the initial of your future husband or wife. One! Two! A dozen apple-parings flew to the floor. Everybody raced across the room to examine the results. “Mine is B,” Dicky said. “And mine’s an O,” Rosie declared, “as plain as anything. What’s yours, Maida?”

Thank you, Mr. Upton.” Collingwood tucked the note into his pocket with a friendly smile, and then joined Westby. “Knock you down to half a sheet?” asked Westby, as they departed in the direction of the Study, where they were to perform their tasks. “No; a sheet.” “Mine’s one and a half now. What got into him?” “He’s not without sense,” said Collingwood. “Ho!” Westby was derisive. “He’s soft.

Lyon looked a little disturbed; but his manner was perfect, as he replied that he regretted to seem to disoblige, but that he feared the conditions of their little bet would not allow it. “Beg your pardon, I’m sure, for being so uncivil,” said the lively little beauty, as she whispered a few words in her husband’s ear. This is what she saidWhat’s mine’s yours, dear. Take it.