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Why, when you made that jury sit up the other day when you got that off about the Merrikan flag waving equally over the rights of honest citizens banded together in peaceful commercial pursuits, as well as over the fortress of official proflig " "Oligarchy," murmured the Colonel, courteously. "Oligarchy," repeated the girl, quickly, "my breath was just took away.

The old man started and moved towards her, eagerly, his keen eyes breaking through the film that at times obscured them. "'Merrikan! tha baist 'Merrikan? Then tha knaws ma son John, 'ee war nowt but a bairn when brether Dick took un to 'Merriky! Naw! Now! that wor fifty years sen! niver wroate to his old feyther niver coomed back, 'Ee wor tall-loike, an' thea said 'e feavored mea."

Why, when you made that jury sit up the other day when you got that off about the Merrikan flag waving equally over the rights of honest citizens banded together in peaceful commercial pursuits, as well as over the fortress of official proflig " "Oligarchy," murmured the Colonel courteously. "oligarchy," repeated the girl quickly, "my breath was just took away.

As the same ideas have been sometimes advanced under more pretentious circumstances they may be worthy of record. "Look at 'em holdin' the finest grazin' land that ever lay outer doors. Whar's the papers for it? Was it grants? Mighty fine grants most of 'em made arter the 'Merrikans got possession. More fools the 'Merrikans for lettin' 'em hold 'em. Wat paid for 'em? 'Merrikan and blood money.

Abraham Linkin with his pat anecdotes ruined our standin' with dignified nashuns, sez he. 'We cultivated publishers is sick o' hearin' furrin' nashuns roarin' over funny 'Merrikan stories; we're goin' to show 'em that, even ef we haven't classes and titles and sich, we kin be dull.

'The 'Merrikan people, sez he, 'is ashamed o' bein' short and peart and funny; it lacks dignity, sez he; 'it looks funny, sez he, 'but it ain't deep-seated nash'nul literature, sez he. 'Them snips o' funny stories and short dialogues in the comic papers they make ye laff, sez he, 'but laffin' isn't no sign o' deep morril purpose, sez he, 'and it ain't genteel and refined.

As the same ideas have been sometimes advanced under more pretentious circumstances, they may be worthy of record. "Look at 'em holdin' the finest grazin' land that ever lay outer doors? Whar's the papers for it? Was it grants? Mighty fine grants, most of 'em made arter the 'Merrikans got possession. More fools the 'Merrikans for lettin' 'em hold 'em. Wat paid for 'em? 'Merrikan blood and money.