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Ere she had finished her prayer, she started at feeling a man's arm across her shoulder, while a rough voice spoke in her ear "What! menseful Mysie of the Mill so soon at her prayers? now, benison on the bonny eyes that open so early! I'll have a kiss for good morrow's sake."

You'll niver hear a throstle i' front o' a robin, nor a robin i' front o' a blackbird. They mind what's menseful same as fowks do. At efter, mebbe cuckoo will begin to shout, an' close behind him will coom t' spinks an' pipits an' lile tits. Eh, deary me! but I've clean forgotten most pairt o' what I've larnt misel about t' birds. They do iverything as reg'lar as if 'twere clockwork.

"There's a great change on Lord Meikleham," said Malcolm. "There is that," said Wallis. "I consider him much improved. But you see he's succeeded; he's the earl now, and Lord Liftore and a menseful, broad shouldered man to the boot of the bargain. He used to be such a windle straw!"

"Wha's she?" he said, turning to his host; and, when he had been told, "Ay," says he, "she looks menseful. The acquaintance, which it seems profane to call a courtship, was pursued with Mr. Weir's accustomed industry, and was long a legend, or rather a source of legends, in the Parliament House.

"Wha's she?" he said, turning to his host; and, when he had been told, "Ay," says he, "she looks menseful. The acquaintance, which it seems profane to call a courtship, was pursued with Mr. Weir's accustomed industry, and was long a legend, or rather a source of legends, in the Parliament House.

Nobody hereabout thinks a little lot of stones worth meddling with, so long as they don't lie in their road." With that the jolly-jist jumped up, and said Joe must have something to eat and drink. Then Joe thought to himself, "Come, come, we are getting back to our own menseful way again."