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'I'll write and resign, said I. "'Precisely what I don't want you to do. I had a row over you with Mawson's manager. I had gone up to ask him about you, and he was very offensive; accused me of coaxing you away from the service of the firm, and that sort of thing. At last I fairly lost my temper. "If you want good men you should pay them a good price," said I.

But for the happy chance of the gold stuffing, your suspicions would probably never have been aroused." Hall Pycroft shook his clinched hands in the air. "Good Lord!" he cried, "while I have been fooled in this way, what has this other Hall Pycroft been doing at Mawson's? What should we do, Mr. Holmes? Tell me what to do." "We must wire to Mawson's." "They shut at twelve on Saturdays."

"'A hundred and six and a quarter to a hundred and five and seven-eighths. "'And New Zealand consolidated? "'A hundred and four. "'And British Broken Hills? "'Seven to seven-and-six. "'Wonderful! he cried, with his hands up. 'This quite fits in with all that I had heard. My boy, my boy, you are very much too good to be a clerk at Mawson's!

At 8 p.m. on the night fixed for the operations, the 7th H.L.I. was to cross the river at Mawson's Post, first on rafts, and as soon as a bridge could be constructed, on it. This crossing, which was about 1000 yards from the mouth of the river, would land them in the marshy ground which it was hoped was not held, and here the Battalion was to assemble.

There can be no greater pleasure for anyone who has any vision of what the future of housing accommodation for the working classes may be than to read Mr. Mawson's charming volume on "Industrial Villages for Partially Disabled Soldiers and Sailors as an Imperial Obligation."

In he walked, a middle-sized, dark-haired, dark-eyed, black-bearded man, with a touch of the Sheeny about his nose. He had a brisk kind of way with him and spoke sharply, like a man who knew the value of time." "'Mr. Hall Pycroft, I believe?" said he. "'Yes, sir, I answered, pushing a chair towards him. "'Lately engaged at Coxon & Woodhouse's? "'Yes, sir. "'And now on the staff of Mawson's.

By some means, which are not yet clear, he succeeded in winning, under a false name, this official position in the office, which he utilized in order to obtain moulding of various locks, and a thorough knowledge of the position of the strong room and the safes. "It is customary at Mawson's for the clerks to leave at midday on Saturday.

This is all some of Esther Mawson's work! And we shall have to wait nearly an hour before we know what is going on! it's all uphill work to Normandale, and the horses can't do it in the time." "Eldrick!" said Collingwood, as the carriage came abreast of the Central Station and a long line of motorcars. "Stop the coachman! Let's get one of those cars we shall get to Normandale twice as quickly.

Sherlock Holmes rubbed his hands with delight, and I stared with astonishment at our client. "You may well look surprised, Dr. Watson; but it is this way," said he: "When I was speaking to the other chap in London, at the time that he laughed at my not going to Mawson's, I happened to notice that his tooth was stuffed in this very identical fashion.

The wireless station erected by Sir Douglas Mawson's Australian Antarctic Expedition could be seen on a hill to the north-west with the Expedition's hut at the base of the hill. This hut was still occupied by a meteorological staff, and later in the day the meteorologist, Mr. Tulloch, came off to the ship and had dinner aboard.