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That's all Sam Kow. Mista Yen Sin keepee colla when Mista Minista come back; give new colla: one, two, five, seven time; Mista Minista say: 'You washy colla fine, Yen Sin: this colla, allee same like new. Mista Matee Snow, his colla allee same like new, too " Something happened so suddenly that none of us knew what was going on.

It is hard for a good man to summon up sins enough to make a decent confession; nearly always they fall back in the end upon the same worn and respectable category. "I confess to the sin of pride," he pronounced slowly. "And to good deeds and kind acts undone; to moments of harshness and impatience " "Mista Matee Snow confessee?"

"Mista Matee Snow confessee, yes?" There was a moment of shocked silence while our great man stared at Yen Sin. He took his weight from the counter and stood up straight. "I confess my sins to God," he said. The other moved a fluttering hand over his collars. "Mista Yen Sin allee same like Mista God, yes."

In the hush I heard news of the blasphemy whispering from lip to lip, out the door and up the awe-struck dock. Mate Snow lifted a hand. "Stop!" he cried. "Yen Sin, you are standing in the Valley of the Shadow of Death " "Mista Matee Snow wickee man? No? Yes? Mista Matee Snow confessee?" The Chinaman was making a game of his death-bed, and even the dullest caught the challenge.

I've brought you that collar for five years now, and it still seems new." The minister's face fell a little. Yen Sin continued grave and alert. "And Mista Matee Snow, yes? His colla allee same like new, yes?" "Yes, I must say!" The other shook himself. "But it's not that, brother. We're all of us wicked, Yen Sin, and unless we " "Mista Minista wickee?"