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Horatio was so much taken up with admiring the justness of her sentiments, that awed by them, as it were, he could not yet, tho' mask'd, make any discovery of his own: she was about entering into a discourse with him concerning the first motives which had rendered some persons she pointed out to him unhappy in the marriage-state, which perhaps might have given him an opportunity for explaining himself, when a lady richly dress'd came up to them, and giving Horatio a sudden pluck by the arm; villain! cried she.

Why, how now, Frank by Fortune, the Rogue is Maudlin So, ho, ho, so ho. Bel. The matter? Sir Tim. Oh, art awake What a Devil ail'st thou, Frank? Bel. A Wench, or any thing come, let's drink a round. Sham. They're come as wisht for. Enter Flauntit, Driver, Doll and Jenny mask'd. Bel. Oh, damn 'em! What shall I do? Yet it would look like Virtue to avoid 'em.

As afternoon pass'd, and evening came, the streets, the bar-rooms, knots everywhere, listeners, questioners, terrible yarns, bugaboo, mask'd batteries, our regiment all cut up, &c. stories and story-tellers, windy, bragging, vain centres of street-crowds. Resolution, manliness, seem to have abandon'd Washington.

The entertainment was served up on two large tables; but as every one was mask'd, and the vizards so contriv'd, that those who wore them could eat without plucking them off, they sat down promiscuously without ceremony or any distinction of degrees, none being obliged to know another in these disguises; only the attendants of the Chevalier St.