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Brant, nevertheless, looked them over with an experienced eye, and satisfied himself of their trustworthiness; there was the usual number of "boys," gray-haired and grizzled in body service, and the "mammys" and "aunties" of the kitchen.

I learned that none of the shapely hands displayed on the black vests, had ever used other implement of toil than a pistol, bowie-knife or slave-whip; that any other tool would ruin the reputation of the owner of the taper digits; but they did not lose caste by horsewhipping the old mammys from whose bosoms they had drawn life in infancy.

I think it must have been because our Mammys saw all things from the elemental angle, they were critics so illuminating of manners and morals. Here ends reminiscence, set down in hope it may breed understanding. All I actually learned from Mammy and her cooking was how things ought to taste. The which is essential. It has been the pole-star of my career as a cook.

Scorching of course was possible unless the cook knew her business, and minded it well. Our Mammys not only knew their business but loved it often with a devotion that raised it to the rank of Art. Add the palate of a gourmet born, a free hand at the fat, the sweet, strong waters and high flavors what wonder it is to envy those of us they fed!

We might have been utterly crushed but for our proud and pampered stomachs, which in turn gave the bone, brain and brawn for the conquests of peace. So here's to our Mammys God bless them! God rest them! This imperfect chronicle of the nurture wherewith they fed us is inscribed with love to their memory. Almost my earliest memory is of Mammy's kitchen.