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The gospel is incensed to signify the sweet odour which it communicates to our souls; and the ministers of God, to signify, according to St. Thomas, that God maketh manifest the odour of his knowledge by us in every place: "For we are unto God the good odour of Christ in them who are saved, and in them who perish". 2 Cor.

The true connection is one which cannot be seen, and consists in the animation of each bud by a like spirit-in the community of soul, in "the voice of the Lord which maketh men to be of one mind in an house""to dwell together in unity"-to take what are practically identical views of things, and express themselves in concert under all circumstances.

This, then, is our High Priest, this his intercession, these the benefits of it! It lieth on our part to improve it; and wisdom to do that also comes from the mercy-seat, or throne of grace, where he, even our High Priest, ever liveth to make intercession for us; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Wherefore he is able also to save them, seeing he maketh intercession for them.

"That maketh me feel very thad, Buthter," replied Tommy sarcastically. Breakfast was prepared and eaten in record time that morning. Then the dishes were speedily washed and put away. The Tramp Club's camp showed no activity until after eight o'clock, when the smoke from their cook fire was observed curling up through the foliage on the shore of the Island of Delight.

"Your quotation from Virgil recalled a passage in Job 'Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into morning. Oh! how inimitably sublime is inspired language and 'turneth the shadow of death into morning. And how comforting the promise conveyed," said Mary, earnestly. "Miss Irving, don't you admire Cassiopeia very much?" said Dr.

These twelve gates surround the entire world, that is they are a shelter for all creatures. And further, these twelve gates are the foundation of the City of God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and on each one of these foundations is written the name of one of the Apostles of Christ. That is to say, each one maketh manifest the perfections, the joyous message, and the excellency of that holy Being.

To conclude then: If the Scripture saith, that none that defileth, or that worketh abomination, or maketh a lie, shall enter into his holy city which yet is but the church on earth, with what face can defilers think and say they shall possess a part among the church which is in heaven?

Thus it is, when Sir Robert maketh a speech at Saint Stephen's he useth his strength at the beginning, only, and the end.

Thy mind is ever getting into some discontent, and then blame is heaped on one who rarely doth anything that should in reason offend thee. What madness maketh thee dream that I ask impossibilities?

"I am hiding nothing. The lad is a good lad at bottom, and a manly one into the bargain," said John. "His defects are of the kind which get up, so to speak, and hit you in the eye; and are, consequently, not of a kind to escape observation. What is obviously wrong is easiest cured. He has yet to learn that 'manners maketh man, but he was learning it as fast as possible.