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It was an odd, slender voice that spoke, just behind Talbot Potter, and he turned to stare at a little figure in black she had come so quietly out of the shadows of the scenery into Miss Lyston's place that no one had noticed.

You mean the understudy, the one that's to play Miss Lyston's part, that Miss Miss " He snapped a finger and thumb to spur memory and then, as in triumphant solution of his puzzle, cried, "Ma Malone! Miss Malone!" "Yes," said Potter, looking upon him darkly. "Where did you sort of run across her, come to think of it, as a matter of fact?" "Oh, I remember all about it, now," said Packer brightly.

Miss Lyston, you shouldn't have tried to rehearse when you're so ill. Do everything possible for Miss Lyston's comfort, Packer." He followed the pair as they entered the passageway to the stage door; then, Miss Lyston's demonstrations becoming less audible, he halted abruptly, and his brow grew dark with suspicion. When Packer returned, he beckoned him aside.

She sees me standing here like like a statue delaying the whole rehearsal, while we wait for you to find her name, and she won't open her lips!" He swept the air with a furious gesture, and a subtle faint relief became manifest throughout the company at this token that the newcomer was indeed to fill Miss Lyston's place for one rehearsal at least. "Why don't you tell us your name?" he roared.

Miss Lyston's protest having lasted the whole of the preceeding night, and not at all concluding with Mr.

"I think it's a silly, makeshift sort of a speech," she said cheerfully, in which opinion the unhappy playwright out in the audience hotly agreed. "It's a bit of threadbare archness, and if I were to play Miss Lyston's part, I'd be glad to have it changed!" Potter looked dazed.

The answer came in a voice cracking with emotional strain: "I wonder how many men bear what I bear? I wonder how many men would pay a stage-manager the salary I pay, and then do all his work for him!" "Mr. Potter, if you'll tell me what's the matter," Packer quavered; "if you'll only tell me " "The understudy, idiot! Where is the understudy to read Miss Lyston's part? You haven't got one!