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"That we should stand in the great kloof between the two vleis yonder the Heer Marais knows the place when the wild geese flight over an hour before sunset, and that he who brings down six of them in the fewest shots shall win the match." "If our guns are loaded with loopers that will not be difficult," said Pereira.

With these chief dishes they associate relishes levied indifferently from the rest of the Fly clan. She requires for each banqueter three or four items, which include the Measuring-worms, or Loopers, and the caterpillars of ordinary Moths, all of which are equally appreciated. Cf. "The Hunting Wasps": chapter 14.

"Let them load the guns with 'loopers'" that is, slugs, not bullets "and let the rest stand in the passage with their assegais, in case the Quabies should try to force the back door."

"With loopers you would seldom kill a bird, mynheer," I replied, "for they come over from seventy to a hundred yards up. No, I mean with rifles." "Allemachte!" broke in a Boer; "you will want plenty of ammunition to hit a goose at that height with a bullet."

The buck gives a kind of groan, looks wildly round and sees the waggon. He seems to hesitate a moment, then in his despair rushes up to it, and falls exhausted among the oxen. The dogs pull up some thirty paces away, panting and snarling. Now, boy, the gun no, not the rifle, the shot-gun loaded with loopers. Bang! bang! there, my friends, two of you will never hunt buck again.

Then, seeing that the matter was urgent and that it was a question of my life or theirs, I came into action. In my hand I held a double-barrelled shotgun loaded with what we used to call "loopers," or B.B. shot, of which but a few went to each charge, for I had hoped to meet with a small buck on my way to camp.