United States or Hungary ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

There was a choir of a dozen or so prisoners, most of whom were long-term men in some position of trust.

And he had been offered a fair holding in this land twenty thousand acres under fence on a long-term lease; a half-interest in the cattle and their increase. He would be his own man, with a voice in the management and sale of the stock. A year or two and he could afford to marry if Dorothy would have him. He thought she would. And to keep in good health she must always live in the West.

The developing nations are also at a turning point. The poorest nations see their hopes of feeding their hungry and developing their societies shattered by the economic crisis. The long-term economic future for the producers of raw materials also depends on cooperative solutions. Our relations with the Communist countries are a basic factor of the world environment.

It may be that before this war is over many European nations will have to appeal to America with their loans. If France could see her way clear to put out a long-term loan at 5 per cent instead of short-term loans at this rate, there should be a good investment field for it in America.

They think that America is a far more reliable sponsor of their long-term safety and prosperity than the fractured European "Union".

I propose tax changes to encourage people to invest in America's future, and their own, through a plan that gives moderate-income families income tax benefits if they make long-term investments in common stock in American companies. The Federal Government must and will respond to clear-cut national needs for this and future generations.

We ought to make sure that self-employed people in small businesses can buy insurance at more affordable rates through voluntary purchasing pools. We ought to help families provide long-term care for a sick parent to a disabled child.

Our approach protects older Americans. Every plan before the Congress proposes to slow the growth of Medicare. The difference is this. We believe those savings should be used to improve health care for senior citizens. Medicare must be protected, and it should cover prescription drugs, and we should take the first steps in covering long-term care.

Shortly, I will submit to the Congress the Employment Act of 1983, designed to get at the special problems of the long-term unemployed, as well as young people trying to enter the job market.

Many of the things we would normally do must be curtailed or postponed. But in a long-term defense effort like this one, we cannot neglect the measures needed to maintain a strong economy and a healthy democratic society. The Congress, therefore, should give continued attention to the measures which our country will need for the long pull.