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I could hear him say to some one below, who appeared to have arrived in great haste, for he gasped for breath. "Aqui viene la feluca," answered Pedro; "perseguido por dos Lanchas Canoneras llenas de Gente." "Abordo entonces, abordo todo el mundo; arma arma, aqui vienen los Engleses; arma, arma!" And all from that instant was a regular hillabaloo.

Until the Peninsula was overrun by the French, Buenos Ayres, La Guayra, Porto Cavello, Maracaibo, Santa Martha, and that stronghold of the west, the key of the Isthmus of Darien, Cartagena de las Indias, with Porto Bello, and Vera Cruz, on the Atlantic shores of South America, were all prosperous and happy "Llenas de plata;" and on the Western coast, Valparaiso, Lima, Panama, and San Bias, were thriving and increasing in population and wealth.

La libertad de cultos que engendró la tolerancia religiosa, el sufragio popular que vigorizó nuestra conciencia colectiva, la escuela libre que emancipó nuestras masas de la tutela de los caciques, todas las conquistas de la democracia de que nos enorgullecemos no serían realidades hermosas, llenas de sazonados frutos, en estos días, si hubiésemos tenido que hacer tanteos y dar pasos vacilantes antes de incorporarlos súbitamente a nuestra vida social y política.

Accordingly, the ships' heads were turned south once more, and upon July 20th, 1570, the fleet arrived in the African port, "on sus galeras todas llenas de muchas banderas" with galleys gaily beflagged. The procession entered the harbour in three divisions of eight galleys: and towing behind each division was one of the captured galleys of the Knights.