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Accordingly, the ships' heads were turned south once more, and upon July 20th, 1570, the fleet arrived in the African port, "on sus galeras todas llenas de muchas banderas" with galleys gaily beflagged. The procession entered the harbour in three divisions of eight galleys: and towing behind each division was one of the captured galleys of the Knights.

The words which she sang were in a tongue unknown to Gringoire, and which seemed to him to be unknown to herself, so little relation did the expression which she imparted to her song bear to the sense of the words. Thus, these four lines, in her mouth, were madly gay, Un cofre de gran riqueza Hallaron dentro un pilar, Dentro del, nuevas banderas Con figuras de espantar.*

Grijalva asked an Indian who had come with him from the Rio de Banderas, who seemed a good rational person, what was the reason of this barbarous practice, to which he answered, that the people of Ulua would have it so. On this account, and because Grijalvas name was Juan, this island has always been called since St Juan de Ulua, to distinguish it from St Juan de Puerto Rico.

They passed the mouth of the Rio Guatzacoalco, the snowy peaks of the San Martin mountains being seen in the distance, and they anchored at the mouth of a river which was called Rio de las Banderas, from the number of white banners displayed by the natives to show their friendly feeling towards the new comers.

Here the natives of a town, called Tavotulpale brought fish, and the other ships waited till Alvaredo came out. Beyond this they came to the mouth of another river, which they named Rio de las Banderas, or Flag-river, because the Indians waved large white cloths on long poles, like colours, as if inviting the Spaniards to land.