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In this act the idea of a future state is more distinctly seen than ever it has been seen amongst the Lenguas, who burn all a man's possessions at his death. The ceremony finished, the grave was covered in, logs and twigs being carelessly thrown on the top, apparently simply to indicate the existence of a grave. The thing which struck me most was the intense spirit of vengeance shown."

As the latter account is based on the reports of the Rev. W.B. Grubb, a missionary who has been settled among the Indians of the Chaco for many years and is our principal authority on them, I assume that the ascription of the custom to the Lenguas is correct. However, in the volume on the Lengua Indians, which has been edited from Mr.

Jose Guevara, "Historia del Paraguay, Rio de la Plata, y Tucuman," pp. 16 sq., in Pedro de Angelis, Coleccion de Obras y Documentos relativos a la Historia antigua y moderna de las Provincias del Rio de la Plata, vol. ii. The two accounts appear to be identical; but the former attributes the custom to the Chiriguanos, the latter to the Lenguas.

He lay there making a puddle upon the mattress until what appeared to be the night manager came into his room. "You can speak the Spanish a little," said the man, "Prefiero Ingles porque mi sabio de Espanol esta limitado y despues de viviendo en Korea mis vocabulario esta una mezcla del lenguas." "Where you from?" It was such a simple question and yet he did not know the exact answer.

There is, among the Lenguas, an old tradition to the effect that for generations they have been expecting the arrival of some strangers who would live among them and teach them about the spirit-world. These long-looked-for teachers were called The Imlah.

In all quarters of the world the septum, and more rarely the wings of the nose are pierced; rings, sticks, feathers, and other ornaments being inserted into the holes. The ears are everywhere pierced and similarly ornamented, and with the Botocudos and Lenguas of South America the hole is gradually so much enlarged that the lower edge touches the shoulder.

"Que lenguas habla?" "Todas." "Que cosas sabe?" "Todas." "Quai païs?" "Ningun, y todos." "Qual dios?" "Dios." "Como le llamas?" "El tonto." "Como dices que le llamas?" "El sabio." "En vuestre tropa que esta?" "Esta lo que esta." "El gefe?" "No." "Pues que esta?" "La alma."

Leguay, on the occurrence of the supra-condyloid foramen in the humerus of man. Lek of the black-cock and capercailzie. Lemoine, Albert, on the origin of language. Lemur macaco, sexual difference of colour in. Lemuridae, ears of the; variability of the muscles in the; position and derivation of the; their origin. Lemurs, uterus in the. Lenguas, disfigurement of the ears of the. Leopards, black.