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Betty came over; she knew some nooks where the trailing arbutus grew and bloomed. The swamp pinks and the violets of every shade and almost every size from the wee little fellow who sheltered his head under his mother's leaf-green umbrella to the tall, sentinel-like fellow who seemed to fling out defiance. Doris used to come home with her hands full of blooms. The rides too were delightful.

For plants that are not parasitic, these, especially the sundews, have much less than the ordinary amount of chlorophyll that is, of the universal leaf-green upon which the formation of organic matter out of inorganic materials depends. These take it instead of making it, to a certain extent. What is the bearing of these remarkable adaptations and operations upon doctrines of evolution?

And the Cosmos! Her chin sank to rest upon her palm. How beautiful were those pink roses in their leaf-green bowl like a soft piece of music or a gently flowing poem. Maybe Mrs. Brooks would have floral decorations at her bridge-party. She hoped so then she could write a really satisfying kind of paragraph flowers were always so inspiring. Those pink petals were just about to fall.

But in all this he loved himself, so the pain was but transitory, and next day he put on his finest doublet of leaf-green satin lined with primrose silk and edged with pale corals, and rode to her gates. There the porter brought back word that the Lady Beatrice could not see him. Sir Godfrey was angry then, and he sought to make her jealous.

And presently men came quietly on to the road from different parts of the wood. They were dressed in brown leather and wore leaf-green hats, and round each one's neck hung a disk of engraved copper.