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Should they fail to roll up the mat at this time, it must remain until another Layog is held; and during the interval all the former restrictions are in force. About twenty years ago, a great number of people in Patok died of cholera; and since then the people of that village have held a Layog in their honor each November, to the expense of which all contribute.

At the conclusion of the anointing, the old men discuss the disposal of the property and other matters of importance in connection with the death. The Layog. Friends come from near and far; and rice, pigs, cows or carabaos are prepared for food, while basi flows freely. It is said that the liquor served at this time is "like tears for the dead."

After the man's layog, he wanted to go to alzados town to fight them. He had been near to the alzados town about one month. While he was away, his wife died. The man asked his wife where she was going. She said to him, "I am not a person any more, I am dead." Her husband wanted to touch her hand and his wife gave only her shortest finger.

They kill a small pig and collect its blood in a dish; in another receptacle they place oil. A little oil is rubbed on the head of each person present; and all, except the widow, are then freed from restrictions. She must still refrain from wearing her beads, ornaments, or good clothing; and she is barred from taking part in any merry-making until after the Layog ceremony.

They said his wife was dead and they had buried her under his house; then he made layog for his wife. The father of Siagon was head man of Patok. He walked one night on the road which goes to Domayko. In the road he saw a big man whom he thought was Padawil. Then he smelt a bad odor and knew it was a ladag He struck it with his whip and it said, "Hah."

The folktales tell of several instances, in which the spirits took vengeance on relatives who neglected their bodies, or violated the period of taboo. When the danger period is past, the spirit at once leaves its old home, and returns again only at the time of the Layog. From that time on, he continues his existence in the upper world, neither troubling, nor being troubled by mortals on earth.

The length of time that the mat is left spread out differs somewhat between towns and families. In some cases it is taken up at the end of the period of taboo, while in others it is not rolled up; nor are the windows of the house opened until after the celebration of the Layog ceremony, a year later.

The bird brought deer and pigs all the time, and the man always cut the meat in small pieces. After a while the two young birds could fly near to the nest. When they were standing outside of the nest he held on to their wings and the birds flew down under the tree. Then the man took his bolo and cut off their heads and took them to his town and made layog for the heads.