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Not long ago, Miss Bride's opinion of Langtoft would have been quite different. Now, she was disposed to say things that Dyce Lashmar liked to hear. Dyce had remarked the change in her; it flattered him, but caused him at the same time some uneasiness. Inevitably, they passed much time together. On the journey from London, Constance had asked him whether he would not like to begin cycling.

Fordun, who wrote in the reign of Robert Bruce, Bowyer, and Langtoft, all Scotch historians, say that it was he who betrayed Wallace, and their account is confirmed by contemporary English writings.

Peter de Langtoft, a canon of Bridlington who died early in the fourteenth century, writing of Eadgar says: Mikille he wirschiped God, and served our Lady; The Abbey of Romege he feffed richely With rentes full gode and kirkes of pris, He did ther in of Nunnes a hundreth ladies. Eadgar's church, however, was not destined to last long.

"Yes, yes; I saw. And May's name among the guests of course, of course. I notice that Lord Dymchurch was there too." She ended with a quavering laugh, unexpected and rather uncanny. "And the much-discussed Mr. Langtoft," put in Constance, after a keen look at the mirthful hippocratic face. "Langtoft, yes," said Dyce. "I don't quite know what to think of that fellow.

Their dialogue was interrupted by the hostess, who came forward with a gentleman she wished to present to Miss Tomalin. Hearing the name Mr. Langtoft Dymchurch regarded him with curiosity, and, moving aside with Lady Honeybourne as she withdrew, he inquired whether this was the Mr. Langtoft. "It is," the hostess answered. "Do you take an interest in his work? Would you like to know him?"

He disapproved of the board-school; he looked with still less favour on the schools of the clergy; and, regardless of expense, was establishing schools of his own, where what he called "civic instruction" was gratuitously imparted. The idea closely resembled that which Dyce Lashmar had borrowed from his French sociologist, and Dyce had lately been in correspondence with Mr. Langtoft.

The houses built of the dark, dull, thin old bricks, not of the great staring modern varieties, are very charming, especially when they are seen against a background of wooded hills. We give an illustration of some cottages at Stow Langtoft, Suffolk.

The first is of some original value for the Barons' Wars and Edward I., while Langtoft, a Yorkshire canon specially interested in the Scottish wars, is a contemporary for all Edward I.'s reign. No contemporary Scottish chronicles of importance deal with the War of Independence, though fairly full Scottish versions of it exist in later books.

Dymchurch declined the introduction for the present, but he was glad to have seen the man, just now frequently spoken of in newspapers, much lauded, and vehemently attacked. A wealthy manufacturer, practically lord of a swarming township in Lancashire, Mr. Langtoft was trying to get into his own hands the education of all the lower-class children growing up around his mill chimneys.

It is published in Bémont's Chartes, pp. 99-108, with valuable comments; another draft analysed in Hist. MSS. Comm., 6th Report, i., p. 344. Langtoft, ii, 320. Edward's concessions once more enabled him to face the Scots, and the summer saw a gallant army mustered at Carlisle, though some of the earls, including Roger Bigod, still held aloof.