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"Lang-Ho, touched by his youth and his ardor, pointed out to him the dwelling of a prince, a patron of the arts, and, at the same time, told him how he ought to address the nobleman, assuring him that the fact of his being a messenger from a friend of the prince would open the doors of the palace to him.

"During the sleep of his guest, Lang-Ho took off his robe, replacing it by a garment made of two materials. One was golden yellow, the other a brilliant green. After attacks of terrible anger, in spite of the solicitation of his impulsive nature which incited him to go out, he did not dare to venture into the streets in such a costume.

"Common sense, thus solicited, was revealed to the impulsive one, and appeared like a peaceful counselor. "The ridiculous and odious side of his resolution was represented to him with such truth that he embraced Lang-Ho, saying: "'Now, Master, I can go away, and your mind can be at rest about me.

He persuaded him that the prince was absent and would only return to town upon the following day. "The man believed him, and allowed himself to be taken to the house of Lang-Ho. "But it was in vain that Lang-Ho unfolded all his most subtle arguments.

"The next day the young poet presented himself at the home of the great lord, who, knowing that he had been sent by Lang-Ho, received him in spite of the fact that he was suffering intensely from a violent headache.

"But my master did not like to be thus criticized. "So, a little while after that, one day, when that same prince was in an agreeable frame of mind, Lang-Ho invited him to the reading of one of his works. "The nobleman declared that he had never heard anything more beautiful. "'That is true, said Lang-Ho, 'but you ought to have said this the first time you heard it.

"He did not have the pleasure of finishing it. "The prince, seeing that the reader did not understand his importunity, struck a gong and ordered the servant who appeared to conduct the young man out of his presence. "Later, he declared to Lang-Ho that his protégé had no talent at all, and reprimanded him severely for having sent the poet to the palace.

"He lived in great solitude, and no one would have heard of his existence if it had not been that my master, Lang-Ho, while walking in the woods one day, was attracted by the harmonious sounds of poetry, which this young man was reciting, without thinking that he had any other listeners than the birds of the forest. "Lang-Ho made himself known to him and began to question him.

"In order to reach this point, the first resolution to make is to escape from the tyranny of the body, which tends to replace the intellectual element in impulsive people. "When I was still under the instruction of my preceptor, Lang-Ho, I saw him cure a man who was affected with what he called 'The Malady of the First Impulse.

One beautiful evening, Yoritomo-Tashi was strolling in the gardens of his master, Lang-Ho, listening to the wise counsels which he knew so well how to give in all attractiveness of allegory, when, suddenly, he paused to describe a part of the land where the gardener's industry was less apparent.