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And by prolonging the arc KQ till it meets AD at Y, the sum of the consequents is DY. Then KX ought to be to DY as 3 to 2. Whence it would appear that the curve KDE was of such a nature that having drawn from some point which had been assumed, such as K, the straight lines KA, KB, the excess by which AK surpasses AD should be to the excess of DB over KB, as 3 to 2.

They were already racing for the track, reached it, and quickly gathering together a little pile of dry bark and chips knocked from the ties, made a fire at the track-side, and lit it. As the flames burst up Alex threw off his coat, and using it as a curtain, raised and lowered it in a flashed "I, I, KX!" The call twinkled on. Wilson had not seen it.

I found then that always, when the inclinations of two rays which come from opposite sides, as VK, SK here, are equal, their refractions KX and KT meet the bottom line HF in such wise that points X and T are equally distant from the point M, where the refraction of the perpendicular ray IK falls; and this occurs also for refractions in other sections of this Crystal.

They had gone perhaps three miles, and had fired on several of the wily animals, without success, when suddenly Jack caught Alex by the arm and pointed away to the east. "Look, Al! What's that?" "Why, it looks like It is! It's a signal light! "And calling us KX!" cried Alex. "Something must be wrong with Wilson!" "What'll we do? Back to the train?"

But the next moment, before Alex had completed a second answer, the red light disappeared. Alex again shot forth the gleaming "I, I, KX!" and in blinking response they read: "Chased out of station. Two men. Wire cut. Something wrong. Help! "OK. But we are three miles from the train. Hunting. Will we come, or go back for help?" signalled Alex. There was a pause, and the red light blinked, "Come!

But these sines are the lines KL and GQ, if GK is taken as the radius of the circle. Then LK ought to be to GQ as 3 to 2; and in the same ratio MG to CR, NC to FS, OF to DT. Then also the sum of all the antecedents to all the consequents would be as 3 to 2. Now by prolonging the arc DO until it meets AK at X, KX is the sum of the antecedents.