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'No, said Belle, 'I rather like to hear it. 'You are right, said I, 'I am fond of the sound of thunder myself. There is nothing like it; Koul Adonai behadar: the voice of the Lord is a glorious voice, as the prayer-book version hath it. 'There is something awful in it, said Belle; 'and then the lightning the whole dingle is now in a blaze.

Oh! what a flash!’ ‘And what a peal!’ said I; ‘that is what the Hebrews call Koul Adonaithe voice of the Lord. Are you afraid?’ ‘No,’ said Belle, ‘I rather like to hear it.’ ‘You are right,’ said I, ‘I am fond of the sound of thunder myself. There is nothing like it; Koul Adonai behadar: the voice of the Lord is a glorious voice, as the prayer-book version hath it.’

Bahr el Abiad. R. Behor, Rupp. Amhar. Behor. Abissinie centrale, Kordofan. R. Kull, nov. spec. Djenke, Koul. Bahr el Abiad. R. leucotis, Peters et Licht. Djenke, Adjel. Bahr el Abiad, Saubat. R. Wuil, nov. spec. Djenke, Ouil. Bahr el Abiad, Saubat. R. Lechee,* Gray. Bahr el Abiad. R. megcerosa,* Heuglin. Kobus Maria, Gray. Djenke, Abok, Saubat, Bahr el Abiad et Bahr Ghazal. R. Defassa,* Rupp.

"No," said Belle, "I rather like to hear it." "You are right," said I; "I am fond of the sound of thunder myself. There is nothing like it; Koul Adonai behadar; the voice of the Lord is a glorious voice, as the prayer-book version hath it." "There is something awful in it," said Belle; "and then the lightning, the whole dingle is now in a blaze."

'There is no fear of that, said Belle; 'the wandering people, amongst other names, call it the dry hollow. I believe there is a passage somewhere or other by which the wet is carried off. There must be a cloud right above us, it is so dark. Oh! what a flash! 'And what a peal! said I; 'that is what the Hebrews call Koul Adonai the voice of the Lord. Are you afraid?

"There is no fear of that," said Belle: "the wandering people, amongst other names, call it the dry hollow. I believe there is a passage somewhere or other by which the wet is carried off. There must be a cloud right above us, it is so dark. Oh! what a flash!" "And what a peal," said I; "that is what the Hebrews call Koul Adonai the voice of the Lord. Are you afraid?"

Getting impatient, after nearly a day's march, I asked for the plains. The people turned upon me with surprise, and said: "Lel Ghadames, koul hathe souwa, souwa, All like this to Gadmes."

'Go to Rome for money, I heard him say as he ascended the winding path, 'he! he! he! Go to Rome for money, ho! ho! ho! Wooded retreat Fresh shoes Wood fire Ash, when green Queen of China Cleverest people Declensions Armenian Thunder Deep olive What do you mean? Koul Adonai The thick bushes Wood pigeon Old Gothe. Nearly three days elapsed without anything of particular moment occurring.