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He naturally omitted to return to the kopanitscha and deliver Janko's message to the pretty hostess; but he did tell an oil-merchant, whom he met on the way, the frightful things which had happened to him and bade him deliver the message at the kopanitscha, as it was all on his way.

Not an hour had passed, and the moon still stood in the sky, when they arrived at the kopanitscha of Görgö. "Here we stop," cried Pirka. "This is the house where the doves bill one another on the gables." Just then, however, all the doves were asleep; but in the courtyard a woman was wandering about, who raised her hands toward the moon, and made all sorts of frantic gestures.

I come from Keszmár, where Master Matthias, the town crier, has been teaching me the trumpet, and I am on my way to Saros, where I hope to enter the service of some great lord who loves music." The robber chieftain fixed a piercing look on the speaker and never once left off chewing his hellebore. "If you come from Keszmár you must have passed the kopanitscha of Hamar on your way.

The morning light found her at the Girjo kopanitscha. Here the wife of the kopanitschar of Hamar kept house alone. Her husband, after capturing Janko, had turned her out of doors, and then enlisted in the county militia. What else, then, could his wife do but turn witch? She had already began her novitiate in the school of Barbara Pirka.

Scarcely was the little group half an hour's journey from the kopanitscha, scarcely had it begun to ascend the footpath, when it was enveloped in so dense a mist that only the experience of its guide saved it from being lost in the wilderness. The experienced mountaineer comforted them with the assurance that the mist would not be long in their way, for it was nothing but a descending cloud.

"If Hafran were to catch you here, he and his merry men would play at bowls with your heads also," cried Simplex, without however either spoiling their good-humor or putting Michal in a better humor. In the evening twilight they came to the kopanitscha, where it was advisable to stay the night.