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Von Gobendorff, who had longed for the break of day in order to resume his flight to a supposedly safe refuge in the Karewenda Hills, found himself unable to resist the sleep of utter exhaustion, and as the last faint wreath of pale grey smoke rose from the dying embers he dropped into a deep slumber. He awoke to find the glade bathed in brilliant sunshine.

He realised that he alone was to blame, while most of the trouble fell upon the shoulders of his brother platoon-commanders, who already had their full share of work and responsibility. He found the battalion at a place twenty miles further away from the Karewenda Hills than the kraal where he had played so conspicuous a part in its defence.

Then, recharging the magazine of his automatic pistol, the German turned, and, setting his face towards the north-west, strode rapidly towards the Karewenda Hills. "Mr. Wilmshurst, I shall require you to proceed on special service," said Colonel Quarrier. "Very good, sir," replied Dudley promptly, and awaited the C.O.'s instructions. It was the evening of the fall of M'ganga.

"We still have him in close confinement up in the Karewenda Geberge," replied the hauptmann carelessly. "A personal matter?" enquired Oberst von Lindenfelt. "The accursed Englishman struck me a blow because I thought fit to chastise a thieving native woman," replied von Argerlich.

From N'gere a strong force of Pathans, accompanied by a mule mountain battery, was marching in a north-easterly direction to cut off, if possible, the Huns' retreat, while the Rhodesian Light Horse was operating between M'ganga and the Karewenda Geberge in order to keep contact with any German troops likely to attempt to reinforce von Lindenfelt's garrison.

For the last three weeks a strong Belgian column had been sitting on the banks of the Tuti, a river flowing in a south-westerly direction behind the Karewenda Hills and joining the Kiwa fifty miles S.S.W. of M'ganga.