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See also G. von Bunge: Die zunehmende Unfaehigkeit der Frauen ihre Kinder zu stillen. Muenchen Reinhardt, 1903, 3d ed.

An Sie, Sire, mogen auch Frauen, ja selbst Kinder ihre Klagen bringen.

We may recall what Tacitus says of the Germans: Mutterrecht und Raubehe und ihre Reste im Germanischen Recht und Leben, Vol. XVI, quoted by Starcke, The Primitive Family, pp. 103 et seq.

I did not hear what she said, but my friend turned to me and said in an alarming tone we had been speaking German "Mein Gott! Ihre Nase ist abgefroren!" Now the word "abgefroren," as the reader will understand, seemed to indicate that my nose was frozen off, so I put up my hand in some alarm to discover whether I had inadvertently lost the whole or part of the member referred to.

Then we would hear "Wir sollen Ihr lehren Ihre Canadian Schwein! Uns Neuve Chapelle, zu sagen." "We'll teach you Canadian swine to boast about Neuve Chapelle." Then like one man they would turn and dash madly back to their parapets, leaving the trampled clay of the devil's strip heaped with writhing figures of wounded and dead.

Again we see that force is the ultimate resort; nor could it be otherwise after Bakunin had uncompromisingly rejected every attempt to arrive gradually at his ideal end by means of political and intellectual progress. In the Letter to a Frenchman he confesses the true character of the revolution which he advocates: Testut Oscar, Die Internationale, ihr Wesen und ihre Bestrebungen.