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'Countess de Lazy-Lazy, I think. The Countess, had she been listening, would have cared little for accusations on that head. Idlesse was fashionable: exquisite languors were a sign of breeding; and she always had an idea that she looked more interesting at dinner after reclining on a couch the whole of the afternoon.

With the business-like punctuality of a salaried clerk, I went every morning to my file of the Times, and pored and puzzled over Neapolitan revolution and Sicilian campaign, and I can only say that if Emile Zola has suffered as much over Sedan as I suffered in the freshness of my youth, when flowery meadows and the old chestnut mare invited to summer idlesse, over the fighting in Sicily, his dogged perseverance in uncongenial labour should place him among the Immortal Forty.

In the "Faery Queene," Tristram, in answer to the inquiries of Sir Calidore, informs him of his name and parentage, and concludes: "All which my days I have not lewdly spent, Nor spilt the blossom of my tender years In idlesse; but, as was convenient, Have trained been with many noble feres In gentle thewes, and such like seemly leers; 'Mongst which my most delight hath always been To hunt the salvage chace, amongst my peers, Of all that rangeth in the forest green, Of which none is to me unknown that yet was seen.

DeLancey, sitting under the awning of the after deck of "The Idlesse," and gazing out upon the sound where Jack Schuyler, Tom Blake and Kathryn Blair were defying the laws of nature in a thirty foot knockabout, much to the unspoken anxiety of two fathers and the spoken fear of three mothers, again voiced this thought on the following evening.

"What thy work is, do," replied the monk sententiously. "But 'tis sheer idlesse! 'Tis not work at all. It is but to wait till I am called to work." "The waiting is harder than the work," replied Wilfred, again laying down his pen. "If thou be well assured that waiting is thy work, wit thou that 'tis matter worthy of the wits of angels, for there is no work harder than to wait for God."