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"Well, and if it is," rejoins the skipper, "what does that signify to us?" "A mighty deal, Captin'. Thet air, surposin' it should snap off jest now. An' sech a thing wouldn't be unusual. I wonder we haven't seed the like afore now, runnin' past so many glasheers ez we hev. Cewrus, too, our not comin' acrost a berg yet. I guess the ice's not melted sufficient for 'em to break away."

He had located accurately the position of the Diomede Islands, half way station in the Strait. He had studied the rate of the ice's drift northward. He now was in a position to know, approximately, how far he might go due east and how much he must veer to the south to counteract the drift of the ice. He soon reckoned that he would make three miles an hour over the uneven surface of the floe.

But she had forgotten how frail good ice may be against a warm bank, and leaping down, had promptly broken through. She had had the fortune to hold on by the ice's outer edge until Arthur, whom she felt sure only Providence could have sent there, drew her out. She was tearfully ashamed, yet not so broken in spirit but she fiercely vowed she would get even with Giles for this yet.

Ken gave the captain a long study and then swung slowly, sending up a ball that floated like a feather. Gallagher missed it. On the second pitch he swung heavily at a slow curve far off the outside. For a third Ken tried the speedy drop, and the captain, letting it go, was out on strikes. The sides changed. Worry threw a sweater around Ken. "The ice's broke, Peg, and you've got your control.