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Con esto por fuerza ha de subir de punto la frenética pasión de Matilde: inténtase una escapatoria, la cual se verifica sin maldita la oposición del padre, que está él mismo en el complot que se le arma, y cooperando a ella un pobre criado a quien no le vale su honradez . El padre no ha querido oírle por no verse comprometido a impedir el rapto, y le amenaza por una parte don Eduardo con tirarse un pistoletazo, y por otra Matilde con tragarse un veneno que posee, si no abre una reja, por donde se escapa nuestra deslumbrada, sin embargo de hallarse la puerta libre y desembarazada; y en atención, según dice ella misma, a ser de rigor el salir en semejantes casos por la ventana.

The imperial factory of La Honradez, already described, occupies a whole city square, and is one of its curiosities, producing from three to four million cigarettes per diem. This house enjoys special governmental protection, and makes its annual contribution to the royal household of Madrid of the best of its manufactured goods.

All the activity that absorbed the people among whom he went was to him trivial, utterly of no consequence. Sometimes he would walk through the stalls of the Mercado de Cristina, on the Plaza Vieja, or in through the Honradez factory on Sol Street, where a handful of cigars was courteously given to any appreciative visitor.

At the famous establishment of La Honradez, in Havana, which we visited some weeks later, one machine was seen in operation which produced ten thousand complete cigarettes each hour, or a million per day! Still this same establishment employed some fifty Chinese in order to supply its trade with the hand-made article, for home consumption.