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Your presence in Ho-Nan can do no possible good at present. It must do harm. Your experience in 1900 should be fresh in your memory." "Hard words, Mr. Smith." "The class of missionary work which you favor, sir, is injurious to international peace. At the present moment, Ho-Nan is a barrel of gunpowder; you would be the lighted match.

Then, unconsciously, poor Denby furnished the last link in the chain; for undoubtedly, by means of this operation, Fu-Manchu had designed to efface from Eltham's mind his plans of return to Ho-Nan. The nature of the fluid which could produce such mental symptoms was a mystery a mystery which defied Western science: one of the many strange secrets of Dr. Fu-Manchu.

Grandly lofty are the mountains, With their large masses reaching to the heavens. Shan was a small marquisate, a part of what is the present department of Nan-yang, Ho-nan. Fu, which was also called Lue, was another small territory, not far from Shan. The character for mountains' in lines 1 and 3 is the same that occurs in the title of Yao's minister.

If he is alive, he is in China at some secret palace in the province of Ho-Nan, which is the headquarters of what is called the 'Sublime Order. I have never been there, but there are Europeans there, as well as Orientals." "What! in the company of these fiends!" "It is useless to ask me oh! indeed, I would tell you if I could, but I cannot! Let me go on from the time when I saw Fo-Hi in Cairo.

No state or group of states can hope to resist the progress of a movement guided and upheld by a monopoly of the world's genius. The Sublime Order, of which I am an unworthy member, stands for such a movement." "Rest assured it will be crushed." "Van Rembold is preparing radium in quantities hitherto unknown from the vast pitchblend deposits of Ho-Nan which industry we control.

The meaning is that the fine qualities of the marquis 'reached to' and affected his ancestors in their spirit-state, and would draw down their protecting favour. Their blessing, seen in his prosperity, was the natural result of his filial piety. The Hwai rises in the department of Nan-yang, Ho-nan, and flows eastward to the sea.