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One of the soldiers seed me and he hollers 'look at that rat run'." Missus Ann, and all the white folks went down to Fairhaven wharf to see dat big shep". "I stayed on de plantation awhile after de war and heped de Missus in de house. Den I went away". "Ise had eight chillun. Den his brother died too. I said he ought ter died instid o his brother." "Why?"

"Nudder good ole time wuz maple sugar makin' time, mostly dun at night by limestone burnin'. Yes, I heped with the 'lasses an' all de time I wuz a thinkin' 'bout dem hot biscets, ham meat, corn bread an' 'lasses." "We liv in a cabin on Marse John's place. Der wuzn't much in de cabin but my mammy kept it mighty clean.

My man he jes wen erway en I haint neber seed him ergin en I'se had five chilluns en de white folks hev heped me all dese years. Dese trifling niggers dey wont hepe dey own kind of folks. If youse got de tooth ache I makes a poultice of scrape irish pertatoes en puts hit on de jaw on de side de tooth is aching en dat sho takes de fever out of de tooth.

Clark arrived with the hunting party- since they set out they have killed forty Deer, three buffaloe bulls, & sixteen Elk, most of them were so meager that they were unfit for uce, particularly the Buffaloes and male Elk- the wolves also which are here extreemly numerous heped themselves to a considerable proportion of the hunt- if an anamal is killed and lyes only one night exposed to the wolves it is almost invariably devoured by them.