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The ostler, who had been apparently lost in contemplation of the steep trail he had just descended, suddenly clapped his hand to his leg with an ejaculation of gratified astonishment. "Waal, darn my skin ef that ain't Hennicker's 'slide' all the time! I heard it was somewhat about here."

It was not at all what he had meant, but he felt singularly relieved at the compromise. "And ez I reckon Hennicker ain't such a fool ez not to know who we are and what we're out for," continued Clinch, "I reckon there ain't any concealment." "Then it's Hennicker's?" said the ostler, with swift deduction. "Hennicker's it is! Lead on." The ostler remounted his horse, and the others followed.

She knows Hennicker's ways, and if she chooses to take in transients it ain't no funeral o' mine. Zeenie! You, Zeenie! Look yer!" A tall, lazy-looking, handsome girl appeared on the threshold of the next room, and with a hand on each door-post slowly swung herself backwards and forwards, without entering. "Well, Maw?"

Rawlins briefly explained to Hale that a slide was a rude incline for the transit of heavy goods that could not be carried down a trail. "And Hennicker's," continued the man, "ain't more nor a mile away. Ye might try Hennicker's at a push, eh?" By a common instinct the whole party looked dubiously at Hale. "Who's Hennicker?" he felt compelled to ask.

Stanner understood that I had no desire for his company elsewhere, he would hardly venture to intrude upon me in my house, and certainly not after " "Ef you're alluding to the Vigilantes shakin' you and Zeenie up at Hennicker's, you can't make ME responsible for that. I'm here now on business you understand reg'lar business. Ef you want to see the papers yer ken.

The Judge here, I reckon, has had his share of fun, for while he was at Hennicker's trying to get some facts from Hennicker's pretty daughter, Stanner tried to get up some sort of vigilance committee of the stage passengers to burn down Hennicker's ranch out of spite, but the Judge here stepped in and stopped that."