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Sir, I've an humble suit t'your Majesty. King. Conclude it granted then. Er. Falatius, Sir, has long made love t' Isillia, And now he'as gain'd her Heart, he slights the Conquest, Yet all the fault he finds is that she's poor. King. Isillia's Beauty can supply that want; Falatius, what d'ye say to't? Fal. Er. Am. He'd use me scurvily then. Alcan. That's according as you behav'd yourself, Aminta.

Hah, what ail'st thou, Man? Bel. The Bridegroom! Like Gorgon's Head he'as turned me into Stone. Gay. Gorgon's Head a Cuckold's Head 'twas made to graft upon. Bel. By Heaven, I'll seize her even at the Altar, And bear her thence in Triumph. Gay.

Losing the first, sure thou couldst love no more. Am. With more facility, than when the Dart Arm'd with resistless fire first seiz'd my Heart; 'Twas long then e'er the Boy could entrance get, And make his little Victory compleat; And now he'as got the knack on't, 'tis with ease He domineers, and enters when he please. Gal. My Heart, Aminta, is not like to thine. Am.

Believe me, Gallants, he'as abus'd you all; There's not a Vizard in our whole Cabal: Those are but Pickeroons that scour for prey And catch up all they meet with in their way; Who can no Captives take, for all they do Is pillage ye, then gladly let you go.

How, what's here? my Lady with the Spark that courted her last Night? hum with her again so soon? Well, this Impudence and Importunity undoes more City-Wives than all their unmerciful Finery. Gay. But, Madam L. Ful. Sir Cau. Me his Story! I hope he will not tell me he'as a mind to cuckold me. Gay. A Devil on him, what shall I say to him? L. Ful. Gay. Yes, Madam, I shall tell him Enter Bellmour.