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"What nasty stuff HAVE you got in your pocket, Toddie?" "'Taint nashty' tuff it's byead an' 'lasses, an' its nice, an' Budge an' me hazh little tea-parties in de kicken-coop, an' we eats it, an' it's DOVELY." All this was lucid and disgusting, but utterly unproductive of button-hooks, and meanwhile the breakfast was growing cold.

Then this volunteer adjuster of household affairs came calmly back and commenced dressing in good earnest, while I labored along with Toddie's wardrobe. "Where's the button-hook, Budge?" said I. "It's I oh um I put it say, Tod, what did you do with the button-hook yesterday?" "Didn't hazh no button-hook," asserted Toddie.

Although Mrs. Burton admitted the facts, the inference seemed scarcely natural, and she said so. "Well a a a a anyhow," said Toddie, "mamma always has parties on her bifeday, an' we hazh all the cake we want." "You shall be happy to-day, then," said Mrs.

"When it thundered yesterday it was because the Lord was riding along through the sky and the wheels of his carriage made an awful noise, an' that was the thunder." "Don't like nashty old 'funder," remarked Toddie. "It goesh into our cellar an' makesh all ze milk sour Maggie said so. An' so I can't hazh no nice white tea for my brepspup."

"Lord takesh papa to heaven, an' Budgie an' me, an' we'll go walkin' an' see ze Lord, an' play wif ze angels' wings, an' hazh good timsh, an' never have to go to bed at all, at all." Pure hearted little innocents! compared with older people whom we endure, how great thy faith and how few thy faults! How superior thy love A knock at the door interrupted me. "Come in!" I shouted.