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"I wouldn't hawf liked the jobe meself, do ye kneow. They're forty years apiece, and as hard as nails." Mrs. Saulisbury looked up from her walnuts. "Sam is ready to carry the olive club to Mr. Ramsey. 'The poor beggar, as he has called him all along, will be a gentleman from this time forward."

But I'll tell you what's wrong: There isn't any Funny Old Clown, a particular one, to give it human interest. It is all too splendid, too magnificent, too far beyond us. We want to hear somebody talk once in awhile. They pretended that the tent was too big for the clown to be heard, but I take notice it wasn't too big for the fellow to get up and declaim "The puffawmance ees not yait hawf ovah.

In fact, he'd barely articulated, 'I have to report, sir, that when the human sausage bethought himself of something more important, and held up one hand for silence. He produced a watch and studied it frowningly, then dismissed us and the recital of our troubles with a ponderous gesture. "Repawt again," he rumbled, away down in his chest cavity, "at hawf pawst one."

"I love to hear you say 'hawf," she said; then she added impetuously, "You aren't a bit like anybody I ever saw before." "I dare say," said Percival, returning her smile. "Not only your talk, but your walk, and the way you wear your clothes." "I suppose my tailor does rather understand my figure," said Percival; "but what puzzles you about my speech?" "I don't know. It's different.