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He gained the gate in the fence of wood paling, opened it, and entered. The lawn and house were lit with the unearthly radiance of moonlight threatened by eclipse. He could see the light in Graham's study and, through the open doors, the faint glow of the hall-lamp. But there was no one visible. He hurried up the path, tortured by impatience, fear, longing, despair....

Here, hold the light at the top of the steps till I get down to the next floor, then there is a hall-lamp. Good-night." "Good-night." Beulah bolted the door, and surveyed her new apartment. Certainly it was sufficiently cheerless, but its isolated position presented to her a redeeming feature. Thought she, "I can sit up here, and read just as late as I please. Oh!

Then, after airing the house to rid it of the fumes from Iroquois Annie's intemperate griddle and carrying Dinkie's muddied overshoes back to the kitchen and lighting the Chinese hall-lamp, I went to the bottom of the stairs to call my husband down to supper. But still again that wordless feeling of something amiss prompted me to hesitate.

At once a voice accosted her, and a sharp pang of disappointment or anxiety, she knew not which, went through her. "Mrs. Denys, is she here?" it said. "May I speak with her?" It was the unmistakable speech of a Frenchman. By the light of the hall-lamp, Avery saw the plump, anxious face and little pointed moustache of the speaker. He entered uninvited and stood before her. "Ah! But you are Mrs.

She turned and faced him with the light of the hall-lamp upon her. She was smiling and self-confident. "I thought," he said, looking at her closely, "as I stood behind you, that there were tears in your eyes." She went past him into the hall to meet Sep and his father, who were already on the threshold. "It must have been the firelight," she said to Barebone as she passed him.