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The people, therefore, appreciating that these near-sighted authors were incapable of any genial vision of comradeship, called them Sitzfleisch haben, because of the very long sittings which their works represented. That was what this cousin was for him, a mere Sitzfleisch haben. Doctor von Hartrott, on explaining his visit, spoke in Spanish.

He says, Sincere with the Reserve did march with the Reichs Army; but a league behind it, and turned towards Dippoldiswalde. Thus curtly is Finck authorized to judge for himself in the new circumstances. Marginally is added, in Friedrich's own hand: "ER WIRD ENTWEDER MIT DEN REICHERN ODER MIT SICEREN EINEN GANG HABEN, Either with the Reichers or with Sincere you will have a bout, I suppose."

In England, a railway smoker commits a high crime and misdemeanour, for which he is frowned at by his neighbours, and threatened by the guard; but on the continent, not only do the passengers smoke abundantly, but we were once rather struck at seeing a ticket-taker enter the carriage with a meerschaum in his mouth; one passenger, whose pipe was out, asked the customary German question: 'Haben sie feuer? and the official gave him a light accordingly.

"Ich habe viel geld diesen morgen." "Sehr gut!" laughed the watch-maker, who was delighted to hear his nephew use the little German he had taught him. "Wie viel geld haben sie?" "Mehr als vier-und-dreisig thaler," replied Leopold, who had been preparing himself, during his walk from the hotel to the store, to speak what German he had thus far uttered. "Viel geld!" cried the watch-maker.

Nun kann ich aber hoffen, dasz wir, so viel von dem Wege noch uebrig sein mag, in Gemeinschaft durchwandeln werden, und mit um so groeszerem Gewinn, da die letzten Gefaehrten auf einer langen Reise sich immer am meisten zu sagen haben. Letter of 1794. The coupled names of Goethe and Schiller denote a literary epoch as well as a peculiarly inspiring personal friendship.