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Your father is going to drive in to Dorminster, and you are to go with him and buy Jackie's present." She waited for the look of delight which she felt sure of seeing, for she knew what Mary had set her heart on for Jackie the squirrel out of Greenop's shop. Poor Mary! Her thoughts flew to the empty post-office upstairs. Not a penny in it. No squirrel for Jackie, no drive to Dorminster for her.

There was always a pleasant uncertainty as to what might be found at Greenop's, for he sometimes launched out in an unexpected manner. He often had lop-eared rabbits to sell, and Jackie had once seen a monkey there: as for pigeons, there was not a variety you could mention which Greenop could not at once produce.

"Father's always an immense long time at the gunmaker's," he said; "we shall have time to look at all Greenop's things. I hope he's got some new ones." "And I want to buy some hemp-seed," said Mary.

"I daresay not," said Mary, with a shrug of contempt; "but I shouldn't like to be a common vulgar man like that." Jackie got quite hot. "I don't believe Greenop's vulgar at all," he said. "Look how he stuffed those pheasants for father. I heard father say, `Greenop's an uncommonly clever fellow! Father likes to talk to him, so he can't be vulgar."

So when Jackie asked in an off-hand manner, "Shall you be going near Greenop's, father?" the squire knew that his answer was waited for with anxiety, and said at once: "Yes, I'm going to the gunmaker's next door." That was all right. Jackie screwed up his shoulders in an ecstasy.

The children were delighted with it, and immediately asked the price, which was their custom with every article of Mr Greenop's stock, and being told, proceeded to examine further. They came upon a charming squirrel with the bushiest tail possible, and while they were admiring it Mr Greenop was called to attend on a customer.