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A grab-bag, an orange tree, with saleable parcels on it. A post-office, where letters are sold, and finally a refreshment table or tables, the little girls and boys serving as waiters, in costumes. Making bubbles requires no great effort of the mind or body. Clay pipes for the players are furnished by the hostess. Bowls are filled with water which is quite soapy.

"You are an angel to put up with me," sighed Marion, but her face was no longer gloomy. "I have been constructing a grab-bag, and you shall have the first grab;" and Norah brought out a bag made of rainbow ribbons. "This is outwardly symbolic of the cheer within. The principle on which it works is simple.

It had, first of all, to establish in the national mind the principle that the forests and mines of the nation are not an inexhaustible grab-bag into which whosoever will may thrust greedy and wasteful hands, and by this new understanding to stop the squandering of vast national resources until they could be economically developed and intelligently used.

Mother Blossom smiled as Bobby looked at her expectantly. "You want to know how we do it?" she asked. "Well, first we choose our committees and plan the tables. There is usually a refreshment table; a table for fancy work, aprons, bags, and pretty handkerchiefs; if the fair is held in summer, we have a flower table; then a grab-bag table for the little people.

It may be hard to believe, but in A.D. 1915 she was still calling her grab-bag of talent a "salon." It was really a saloon, with a literary free-lunch counter.

They live like parasites on the beautiful institution of family life, getting as much as possible for as little as possible. There are folk who use the nation so. To them their country is a gigantic grab-bag from which their greedy hands may snatch civic security and commercial gain. For such we have hard and bitter names.

To 'see ourselves as others see us' is as disappointing as the result of plunging one's hand into the 'grab-bag', but at least it brings the stimulating tingle of a new sensation. Suppose each knows perfectly well that as regards the true gold, both are equally bankrupt?