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"A woman's voice," said Müller. "Dupont's words and music. She must be young and pretty ... where has she hidden herself?" The unseen singer, meanwhile, went on with another verse. "Près des iris du bord, Sous une berge haute, La carpe aux reflets d'or le barbeau ressaute, Les goujons font le guet, L'Ablette qui scintille Fuit le dent du brochet; Au fond rampe l'anguille! "O miroir ondoyant!

It is all very well to wade for a good salmon cast, or to spend some hours in a swift-foot Scotch stream for the sake of a lively basket of trout; but to stand in a Sunday coat and hat, and 2-1/2 feet of water, watching a large bung hopelessly unmoved on the surface, is a thing reserved for a Frenchman indulging in a weekly intoxication of Sabbatical sport, under the delirious form of the chasse aux goujons.

And whenever the French have been given a musical art of their own, whenever a composer comparable to the Goujons and Montaignes, the Renoirs and the Baudelaires has made his appearance among them, they generally have been swift to turn from him and to prefer to him not only foreigners, which would not necessarily be bad, but oftentimes the least respectable of musicians.

fr. s. Merlan frit Maquereau a la maitre d'hotel Saumon frais, sauce aux capres 2 10 Raie, sauce aux capres ou au beurre noir 1 10 Turbot, sauce aux capres 2 10 Cabillaud Morue fraiche au beurre fondu Morue d'Hol. a la maitre-d'hotel ou a la Provencale 1 10 Sole frite Sole sur le plat 5 0 Eperlans frits Barbue Turbotin Matelote de carpe et d'anguille 2 0 Troncon d'anguille a la tartare 1 10 Carpe frite, la moitie 2 0 Perche du Rhin a la Vallesfiche Goujons frits 1 5 Truite au bleu Laitance de carpe Moules a la poulette 1 5 Homard 3 0 Esturgeon 2 10