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Among them were Kaplan Giraj, a kinsman of the Khan of the Crimea, Musli, old Vuodi, Mohammed the dervish, and Sulali. Sulali wrote down what Halil said. "Mussulmans. Yesterday, before the Abdestan, I was reading the book whose name is the 'Takimi Vekai." "Mashallah!" exclaimed all the Mohammedans mournfully. "In that book the overthrow of the Ottoman Empire is predicted.

Kaplan Giraj pressed Halil's hand by way of expressing his gratitude for this mark of confidence. And, oddly enough, as Halil pressed the hand of the Khan, it seemed to him as if his arm felt an electric shock. What could it mean? But now Musli stood up before him. "Allow me," said he, "to go with this writing to the Grand Vizier.

Kaplan Giraj informed Kabakulak of these designs, and they agreed that a man with such temerarious projects in his head ought not to live any longer he was much too dangerous. They resolved that he should be killed during the deliberations at the house of the Grand Vizier.

And he had been betrayed by the very man to whom he had assigned a hero's part! With a smiling face he turned towards him. He had no thought now that he had fallen into a trap. He addressed the Khan as if they were both in the room together alone. "Truly you spoke the truth, Kaplan Giraj, when you reproached me with the shame of ignorance.

They put down Choja Dzhanum as the new Kapudan Pasha, Mustafa Beg as the new Minister of the Interior, Musli as the new Janissary Aga; the actual judges and treasurers were banished, the banished judges and treasurers were restored to their places; instead of Maurocordato, who had been educated abroad, they appointed his enemy, Richard Rakovitsa, surnamed Djihan, Voivode of Wallachia; instead of Ghyka they placed the butcher of Pera, Janaki, on the throne of Moldavia; and instead of Mengli Giraj, Khan of the Crimea, Kaplan Giraj, actually present among them, was called to ascend the throne of his ancestors.

But he could not prevent their eyes from meeting, and though swords were denied them their glances of mutual hatred were enough to wound to the death. After the council broke up, Halil's enemies remained behind with the Grand Vizier. Kaplan Giraj gnashed his teeth with rage.

So it was a well-prepared trap into which Halil and his associates were to fall, and they had not the slightest suspicion of the danger that was hanging over their heads. The Grand Vizier sat in the centre of the councillors, beside him on his right hand sat Kaplan Giraj, while the place of honour on his left was reserved for Halil Patrona.

All the greater then was his amazement when Kaplan Giraj turned towards him with a contemptuous smile and replied in these words: "It is a great calamity for an Empire when its leading counsellors are ignorant.

There were gathered together the Ulemas, the Viziers, and the representatives of the people. Halil Patrona was there also; and presently Kabakulak, Topal Ozman, Patsmajezade, and Kaplan Giraj arrived likewise and took their places. The Grand Vizier turned first of all to Halil, whom he addressed with benign condescension.

At this all the Janissaries arose, and one of them stepping forward said: "Halil is right. We agree with all that he has said." The Grand Vizier did not know whether he was standing on his head or his heels. Kaplan Giraj wrathfully thrust his sword back again into its scabbard. All the Janissary officers evidently were on Halil Patrona's side.