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Then I'll hustle out and get a barrelful of interviews that will cinch and rivet football on Gridley H.S. for a century to come!" As Len Spencer vanished through one of the doorways Dick Prescott turned toward the street. As he did so, he jumped back. "We want you, freshie!" declared Frank Thompson, grimly. "And we want you badly."

"If you don't vote right we'll hang you, and I'll be there to help pull the rope myself." One of Pinski's Lieutenants. "Say, who is that freshie? We want to lay for him. One good kick in the right place will just about finish him." The Gas Collector. "Not from you, you carrot-faced terrier. Come outside and see." The meeting becomes disorderly.

"I gotta go somewhere at two o'clock to-morrow afternoon, Mr. Mr. Blaney; but I can go in the morning if it ain't going to look like I'm a freshie." "In the morning! Swell! But where who " She scribbled on a slip of paper and fluttered it into his hand. "Sara Juke! Some little name. Gee! I know right where you live. I know a lot of cases that come from round there.

By this time Jerry and Vera were both out of Vera's car and had come quickly up to Marjorie and Leila. "Can you beat it?" saluted Jerry. "We think the Sans have come freshie fishing. What do you think?" "Little Miss Charitable thinks they may be down here to meet their own friends," remarked Leila with a mischievous glance toward Marjorie. "You guileless infant! Don't you know what has happened?

Jerry's hopes for the downfall of her enemies were usually energetic and sweeping. "I can be a lot more cruel than that," she boasted. "It made me tired to hear those sillies had elected that girl to the class presidency. Glad I'm not a freshie. They will rue it before the year is up. Phil's supporters are as mad as hops." Many of the upper-class girls shared Jerry's opinion.