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There's been a fowth o' sheep-care pitten intil 'im. Ye see him 'at made 'im, bein' a shepherd himsel', kens what's wantit o' the dog." None but her husband understood what lay behind the words. "Oscar's no wi' im," said Donal. "The dog cam to me i' the byre, lang efter Gibbie was awa', greitin' like, an' luikin' for 'im." Robert gave a great sigh, but said nothing.

But, for that maitter, it hedna thriven for mony a lang afore. An' there was a fowth o' awfu' stories reengin' the country, like ghaists 'at naebody cud get a grip o' as to hoo he had gotten the said siller, an' sic like the siller 'at naebody ever saw; for upo' that siller, as I tell ye, naebody ever cuist an e'e.

I find myself like the boy that wanted to leah'n to shivah and shake, y' know. Needin' the excitement of what this fellah ah at Washington, y' know Woosevelt! of what Woosevelt calls the stwenuous life. Saht in the club thinkin' it ovah, and decided to sally fowth to seek adventuah " "Adventure! You?" Atwood threw back his head and roared. " adventuah.

A Johnnie quite a strangah to me, don't-che-naow, was riding pawst my place lawst week and mentioned about this ah raisin' bee he called it I think, and in fact abaout the blawsted Indian, and the fire, don't-che-naow, and all the rest of it, and how the chaps were all chipping in as he said, logs and lumbah and so fowth.

Eh, the fowth o' fushionless beggars I hae seen come to me like yersel'! Ow ay! it was aye wark they wad hae! an' cudna du mair nor a flee amo' triacle! What coonty are ye frae, wi' the lang legs an' the lang back-bane o' ye?" Cosmo told him. The hands of the old man rose from his sides, and made right angles of his elbows. "Weel," he said slowly, "that's no an ill coonty to come frae.