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"Has the master of ceremonies of the king become the fourrier of Prince Henry?" said Amelia. "No, princess; I occasionally and accidentally perform the function of a fourrier. This invitation was not my principal object to-day." "I knew it," said Amelia, ironically. "My brother Henry does not love me well enough to invite me to this fete, if he had not some other object to attain.

"I don't attach the slightest importance to his, or to any man's words, unless they are sustained by reliable evidence," exclaimed M'Nicholl. "Besides, if I'm not very much mistaken, Pouillet another countryman of yours, Ardan, and an Academician as well as Fourrier esteems the temperature of interplanetary spaces to be at least 256° Fahr. below zero.

Fourrier, in his "Théorie Harmonique et comparative des espèces," remarks truly, that each species of the human race corresponds with some species of the brute creation.

"Some time ago," replied Barbican, "this temperature was considered to be very low indeed millions and millions of degrees below zero. But Fourrier of Auxerre, a distinguished member of the Académie des Sciences, whose Mémoires on the temperature of the Planetary spaces appeared about 1827, reduced these figures to considerably diminished proportions.

"Welcome, gossip," said the King; "what thinkest thou of our situation?" "As of men sentenced to death," said the Provost Marshal, "unless there come a reprieve from the Duke." "Reprieved or not, he that decoyed us into this snare shalt go our fourrier to the next world, to take up lodgings for us," said the King, with a grisly and ferocious smile.

As they streamed past the silent forest around broke suddenly into loud life, with galloping of hoofs, crackling of brushwood, and the short, sharp cries of the hunters. Close behind the pack rode a fourrier and a yeoman-pricker, whooping on the laggards and encouraging the leaders, in the shrill half-French jargon which was the language of venery and woodcraft.