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In February, 1896, Henry of Philadelphia showed microscopic slides containing blood which was infested with numbers of living and active filaria embryos. The blood was taken from a colored woman at the Woman's Hospital, who developed hematochyluria after labor. Henry believed that the woman had contracted the disease during her residence in the Southern States.

Although elephantiasis is met with in all climates, it is more common in the tropics, and its occurrence has been repeatedly demonstrated in these localities to be dependent on the presence in the lymphatics of the filaria sanguinis hominis.

The rapid strides which our knowledge has made during the past few years in the subject of the filaria parasite have been mainly owing to the diligent researches of Dr. Patrick Manson, who continues to work at the question. In the last number of the Medical Reports for China, Dr.

It is usually found lying down and shows labored breathing that is occasionally interrupted by paroxysmal coughing. The death rate in poorly-cared-for herds is heavy. VERMINOUS BRONCHITIS AND PNEUMONIA OF SHEEP. The two lung worms of sheep are the Strongylus filaria and Strongylus rufescens. The S. filaria is thread-like and the S. refuscens hair-like in appearance.

Imbroglio of an Arab with the Kaed of Bonjem. Description of the Fort of Bonjem. The Disease of the Filaria Medinensis, and its Cure. My Journal confused and fragmentary. Route from Bonjem to Misratah. Enter the regions of Rain and Open Culture. Bughalah, or the Rock, where Abd-El-Geleel was assassinated. Wells of Daymoum and Namwah. Sudden changes of Temperature in North Africa.

He has definite information with regard to bubonic plague and the filaria medinensis. Here and there one finds striking anticipations of what are supposed to be modern observations. Nothing was too small for his notice. One portion of the fourth book is on cosmetics, in which he treats the affections of the hair and of the nails.

This species, Filaria bancrofti, is not only very widely distributed, but in regions such as some of the South Sea Islands a very large per cent of the natives have the filariæ present in their blood.

The true pathology of the elephantoid diseases may thus be briefly summarized: A parent filaria in a distant lymphatic prematurely expels her ova; these act as emboli to the nearest lymphatic glands, whence ensues stasis of lymph, regurgitation of lymph, and partial compensation by anastomoses of lymphatic vessels; this brings about hypertrophy of tissues, and may go on to lymphorrhoea or chyluria, according to the site of the obstructed lymphatics.

Do not confuse this Filaria with the Guinea worm, Filaria medinensis, which runs up to ten and twelve feet in length, and whose habits are different. It appears commonly in its human host's leg, and rapidly grows, curled round and round like a watch-spring, showing raised under the skin.

I should, I may remark, strongly advise any one who likes to start early on a canoe journey to see that no native member of the party has a Filaria medinensis on hand; for winding it up is always reserved for a morning job and as many other jobs are similarly reserved it makes for delay.